Executive Order Action on Immigration
Daytona & DeLand Immigration Lawyer
In November 2014, President Obama unveiled his long awaited executive action on immigration which will potentially impact millions of immigrants who are currently living in this country without documentation. Many believe this decision is one of the most meaningful steps towards immigration reform in the last decade. For immigrants who have consistently dealt with the fear of being deported for even a minor traffic stop, this may present a sign of relief.
Does the President’s Decision Impact You?
This executive action pertains to 4 to 5 million out of the estimated 11 million immigrants who do not have documentation. The action is intended to refocus immigration enforcement efforts from undocumented immigrants to those who have a serious criminal record or may threaten the United States' national system.
President Obama's order will do the following:
- Greatly expand the number of immigrants eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
- Extend the work authorization out to three years, giving immigrants more time.
- Focus on deporting criminals, rather than separating families.
- Open the door for those who have been in the country since January 1, 2010 and meet other requirements to be eligible for the new Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program.
- Improve and increase the clarity of immigrant programs to help our economy and boost job numbers.
- Promote and push citizenship education for lawful permanent residents.
In order to qualify for the DACA program or the DAPA program, you must have been in the United States for at least five years and possess no criminal record. With Obama's immigration plan, eligible immigrants can now pay their taxes and obtain a work permit and a Social Security number. However, those who qualify will not be able to obtain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Also, immigration authorities will be conducting thorough background searches of anyone who applies to look for any criminal activity or evidence of fraud.
Have Further Questions or Need an Attorney?
The constant changes to our immigration system can be confusing, and you should not feel bad if you are uncertain about this new order. Our DeLand immigration lawyer at Buckmaster & Ellzey has compassionately helped countless people make sense of our immigration system.
To arrange for your consultation, please call us today at (888) 785-6548 or fill out our website's online form.