Daytona Beach Injunctions Laywer
Helping Secure Injunctions in Florida
An injunction is a court order which prevents one person from doing something harmful to another. In some cases, one may petition for an injunction based on past behavior to prevent said behavior from occurring again. In other cases, someone may petition for an injunction out of concern for their safety or well-being, and to prevent certain actions from occurring at any point in the future.
It is a sad reality, but when divorce proceedings turn volatile, filing for an injunction may be the logical next step. This is why you should consider hiring a Daytona Beach family law attorney from the firm of Buckmaster & Ellzey for assistance in either securing or fighting an injunction. At Buckmaster & Ellzey, we have the resources and experience to help protect you against a spiteful and potentially dangerous spouse. However, we will also fight to make sure your former partner does not use the injunction process to prevent you from living your life. Contact our professional and compassionate team of attorneys now, and start advocating for your rights today.
For counsel that will always put your needs first, call our office at (888) 785-6548.
Understanding Injunctions
In the state of Florida, civil injunctions are also known as restraining orders. There are two types of parties involved in the filing process for restraining orders/civil injunctions, the petitioner and the respondent.
Petitioners may file for either a preliminary or permanent injunction against a respondent. Preliminary injunctions are filed for in cases where no harm has come to the petitioner yet, but they have received threats or have reason to believe they may be harmed in the future. This type of injunction is more common in divorce proceedings, and is usually put in place for anywhere between one month and a year at a time. In many cases, premilitary injunctions are filed by a petitioner to give the respondent time to change their behavior.
However, in cases where the petitioner has already suffered harm at the hands of the respondent, or has a reason to believe the respondent will not change their dangerous or threatening behavior in the future, they may be able to secure a permanent injunction. This kind of injunction remains in place until further notice. To invalidate a permanent injunction, either the petitioner or respondent must file a petition with the court. For this petition to be successful, significant change in the behavior or circumstances of either party must be demonstrated.
The 5 different types of protective civil injunctions available in the state of Florida are:
- Domestic violence injunctions
- Sexual violence injunctions
- Dating violence injunctions
- Repeat violence injunctions
- Stalking injunctions
Call (888) 785-6548 for Legal Assistance Today
No one should suffer so much during a divorce or separation that they live in fear. From domestic violence to stalking, every cause for filing a civil injunction is incredibly serious, and deserves to be handled by a court of law. Conversely, being falsely accused of this behavior can have devastating consequences as well, affecting everything from where you live to whether you are allowed to see your children.
For a reputable firm with extensive knowledge of injunctions and other family law matters, the choice is clear. Buckmaster & Ellzey has over 40 years of experience, and a proven track record of securing results for clients. From mediations to modifications, our Daytona Beach lawyers are compassionate, tenacious, and tireless when it comes to securing you results. Contact Buckmaster & Ellzey today, and start fighting for the legal protection you need.
For questions, consultations and more, please fill out our contact form online.