DeLand Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
Sex crime allegations are devastating. They come with serious, life-long legal repercussions, and they destroy your reputation. It’s difficult to explain your side of the story to the world when you’ve been branded a sexual predator.
That branding is more than just a metaphor. In many cases, guilty verdicts result in placement on the sexual offender registry. This affects your ability to work and where you can live.
If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, the team at Buckmaster & Ellzey understands what you are facing. With over 35 years of legal experience, we’ve seen this crime tried many times. We are ready to hear your experience with nonjudgmental compassion. We believe that you are innocent until proven guilty, and it is our job to fight for that innocence.
For a sex crime defense in DeLand, trust the attorneys at Buckmaster & Ellzey. We are here to listen, so call us now at (888) 785-6548.
Sexual Abuse Defense
The term “sexual abuse” covers a wide variety of crimes. In Florida, it can refer to rape, sexual assault or battery, child molestation, solicitation of minors, and even cyber sex crimes. Any one of these offenses can result in severe legal penalties and placement on the sexual offender registry.
Our team provides an excellent defense against these allegations. With a former prosecutor on our team, we understand how prosecutors can twist the facts to make someone look guilty. We are here to represent you and reveal your perspective. With thorough investigative techniques, we may be able to avoid the “he said, she said” of your case and present strong evidence that speaks for itself.
Child Pornography Defense
It is, of course, illegal to force children to participate in sexually explicit material. The very possession of this material, however, is just as severe. The alleged possession of child pornography could result in your inclusion on the sexual offender registry.
In our modern times, it’s easy to accidentally access the wrong material while surfing the web. You could find yourself on a site you never meant to visit. These sites can sometimes infiltrate your computer, downloading images you never wanted, and you may not even be aware of their presence. Moreover, enemies or other bad-faith actors can hack into your personal computer, implanting incriminating photos. If police investigate your electronics for an unrelated reason and stumble across child pornography, you could be arrested, being completely unaware that these images existed.
The very definition of child pornography is also nebulous. Sexually explicit images of children are hard to misinterpret, but innocent images can be misconstrued as perverse material.
Our team is ready to believe your account. We know how easy it is to unintentionally possess material that creates horrific legal consequences. Let us present the facts of your case, helping defend you against false allegations.
For an excellent defense against sex crimes in DeLand and all of Volusia County, contact Buckmaster & Ellzey for a free, no-risk consultation. You can call us at (888) 785-6548 or reach us online.