Daytona Beach Juvenile Defense Attorney
Defending Juvenile Crime Cases in FL
Juveniles charged with committing a crime in Florida and their parents can benefit from the professional legal services offered by Buckmaster & Ellzey. We are experienced criminal defense attorneys and help many families with a juvenile offender. A criminal proceeding can be a frightening and intimidating experience for a juvenile necessitating the support from a strong legal defense team.
A conviction for a crime can affect the offender for the remainder of his or her life. It can affect the ability to attend college or pursue certain careers involving a high level of trust or security clearance. Certain jobs with professional licenses, armed forces, law enforcement and other types of jobs may be unavailable to a convicted juvenile offender. Following an arrest it is important to contact a Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney before speaking with authorities. An experienced criminal defense attorney can advise as to the proper steps to take for the juvenile and parents that protect the rights and interests of the child.
Protect your child from criminal charges in Florida, schedule a consultation today with a juvenile lawyer near you!
Juvenile Crimes and Juvenile Court
Common juvenile crimes are as follows:
- Violent acts, sex crimes, gang-related activities
- Theft crimes, property damage, internet crimes
- Alcohol use and illegal drug crimes
Each juvenile crime is different with its own set of circumstances making it important to have an experienced defense attorney when a juvenile is facing serious criminal charges. A juvenile does not have the rights provided to adults when involved in criminal proceedings. Juveniles are not entitled to a public proceeding or jury.
The extent of the crime and the type of crime can affect the decision of a judge at sentencing. Parents need to be involved because they may lose custody of their child to the state youth authorities and reform system. When the future of a young person is at stake, it is important to have support from the skilled and experienced attorneys from Buckmaster & Ellzey. Make an appointment today for a consultation regarding a juvenile crime.
Contact Our Daytona Becah Juvenile Crime Lawyer
When a minor is charged with a crime, it can be a confusing and overwhelming experience for both the child and their family. At Buckmaster & Ellzey, our Daytona Beach juvenile defense attorneys are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal representation for juvenile crime cases in Florida. We understand the unique challenges and complexities of the juvenile court system and are committed to protecting the rights and future of young individuals facing criminal charges.
Our experienced juvenile attorneys in Daytona Beach can represent juveniles facing a wide range of criminal charges in Florida, including:
- Drug offenses
- Theft and shoplifting
- Underage drinking
- Assault and battery
- Property crimes
With our expertise in juvenile defense, we strive to minimize the impact of criminal charges on a minor's future, whether through negotiation, diversion programs, or aggressive courtroom advocacy. If your child is facing criminal charges, contact Buckmaster & Ellzey today for dedicated and knowledgeable legal representation.